MICKEY GROUP is a global conglomerate of Textile, engineering, Export Import , Consultancy, Tourism and Real Estate companies. We strive to provide sustainable innovations and solutions which have a positive impact on society and the environment.
Our mission is to develop new engineering solutions and innovations in the our Textile, engineering, Export Import , Consultancy, Tourism, Real Estate and others companies that make sense for the preservation of the environment, people’s wellbeing and the development of the country. We aim for high customer satisfaction and work hand in hand to build long-term and strong work relationships.
Integrity: We are transparent about our choices and the evolution of the company, our products, our supply chain and how we manage our daily work internally and externally.
Responsibility: We are responsible for the world we live in, the people we work with and the satisfaction of our customers.
Innovation: Our strong structure of research & development allows us to view each new challenge as an opportunity either to learn or to grow and enlarge our products and solutions offering.
Excellence: We are committed to perfection, exceptional quality and durability. We promote talent and the development and best use of our workforce.
Loyalty: We only build long-term relationships with our stakeholders, workforce and customers based on trust and reliability.